6E HI!!
Exams finally over, now lets just hope for the better (results) OK, since exams over, lets just not discuss! We're going to be P6s soon. And we're all just looking forward to the P5 camp, aren't we? I'm sure it'll be a wonderful experience 4 all of us! (with mrs chen organising it). And exams over, its gonna be the holidays soon. Most of us is planning for chalets, holidays, year-end parties, celebrations, or even just staying at home to tidy up your house for the upcoming chinese new year. And talking about chinese new year, what about christmas? To me, christmas would mean going to my cousins house for a whole late afternoon and till late in the night. We'll just hang around and the adults will be in the living room chit chatting or go out shopping leaving us kids playing. And yes, their house is very enormous (big is not enough a word to describe). Lets just worry about our results! NOT!